The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) is
the international organization for professionals skilled in the
design, specification and inspection of plumbing systems. ASPE is
dedicated to the advancement of the science of plumbing engineering,
to the professional growth and advancement of its members and the
health, welfare and safety of the public. The Society disseminates
technical data and information, sponsors activities that facilitate
interaction with fellow professionals, and through research and education,
expands the base of knowledge of the plumbing engineering industry. ASPE
members are leaders in innovative plumbing design, effective materials
and energy use, and the application of advanced techniques throughout
the world.
A Recitation of the "Off Center" History of the
Boston Chapter of the ASPE
Bernard J. McCarty, P.E., CIPE - Boston Chapter Historian
History, after all, is the story of people, and it is good to remember that it
is the people who make the history, not the other way around.
It was Clarence Darrow who once said "History repeats itself. That's just
one of the things wrong with History."
I hope to relate to you some unpublished history of our Chapter, and in the
process, I am sure to repeat history already known to you older members
(Clarence will be right once again).
To those of you not considered elderly, you will be provided a glimpse of what
the "older guys" went through to enable the Boston Chapter to attain
recognition as a top chapter in ASPE.
Chapter I
Let us begin by honoring Samuel Ussia, P.E. Let us give
him credit for the initial gathering of 20+ Plumbing Engineers interested in
pursing the creation of the Boston Chapter of the ASPE. Date - 1972.
Sam was our first Charter President. He served his year in office and became
enamored with his birth homeland, Italy. We heard or saw little of him after
Chapter II
John J. McEvoy, P.E.… a great mover and our second President. It
was John who proposed to a group of engineers and manufacturer/representatives
that the time had come to thank our affiliate members for their help and
support of the Chapter by sponsoring a "Plumbing Product Exhibit". By
the way, Boston was the first Chapter to do this and has since become the model
for other Chapters to follow.
John had the distinction of being appointed the first secretary of the newly
organized Research Foundation. He served two terms as its secretary.
John was instrumental in and the moving force behind the awarding of Society's
first Honorary Membership to Boston's Robert W. Sullivan.
Two energetic engineers sat in the back at meetings, complaining verbally. They
indicated that things were not going as fast or as good as they might. John
decided that grease had to be applied to the squeaky wheels, and nominated them
for positions on the Board of Directors. They were ultimately elected to the
two secretary positions on the Board.
After a term of one year or less, one young lad left Boston for California,
settled in San Francisco, joined the San Francisco Chapter, and over the years
ran for Board positions and became the Chapter President, after which he was
appointed chairman for the 1982 Boston Convention (a success story of sorts).
The other young engineer worked his way up to the Chapter Board of Directors to
become President, and 10 years later, became the second President to serve
twice. He served as chair for the Chicago convention/chaired a Data Book
committee, was Region I Chair, was elected ASPE Secretary and the first Society
VP/Education, has been involved in the Plumbing Project Exhibit as co-chair
many times, and is still a familiar face locally and nationally.
These two diamonds in the rough are symbols of what can be accomplished in
ASPE. Who are they? Our San Francisco member is John Lento. Our Boston Chapter
member is Frank G. Teebagy, P.E., CIPE.
Chapter III
The fifth Presidency was a bit nervous, caused by the unfortunate passing of
Jim Banks, the V.P. Technical of the previous Jim Craig Administration. This
left us without a report from V.P. Tech, which was required in order to receive
our share of the dues payback. As a result, Robert L. Hough, P.E.,
another hero in our midst, paid all of the expenses out of his own pocket to
sustain the Chapter until the report issue was resolved and the funding
That, my friends, shows confidence in the face of fire.
Chapter IV
To give James G. Craig, CIPE credit, a motion from the
floor of the Architectural Center was accepted to form a Board of Governors
made up of past Presidents, not to exceed 5, a pre-formed committee to assist
the Board of Directors in an emergency.
Chapter V
P. Joseph Sullivan, P.E., ah yes, another diamond in the rough. I
courted Joe for three (3) years before he consented to Boston Chapter
membership. Once aboard, he became an avid supporter, worked up through the
Board of Directors to become President, hosted the Boston Convention '82, and
worked the floor at every convention he attended, supporting Boston Chapter
nominees for office.
Chapter VI
Roger D. Wardwell, P.E., CIPE, our first 2 term President, became
noted for enacting the rule "presentations must be generic". He
dismissed a representative for violating that rule…I might add, to the
satisfaction of all.
Chapter VII
We mention here our affiliates, and please remember the tireless support
consistently received from:
John Porkorny (Treasurer extraordinaire).
Brian Bowes (Affiliate Rep to the Chapter BOD).
Pat Haney (Secretary since dirt).
Robert J. Pink, Sr. and Robert J. Pink, Jr. (Always there
when you need them).
And Jim Galvin, Greg Koval, John Joyce, Al Fehrm (Simmons
Valve Corporation and Membership VPs).
Chapter VIII
The Boston Chapter's History Honor Roll includes:
Jim Polando, P.E., CIPE (Chair of Society Long Range
Joe Barbera, P.E., CIPE (Ever-present Core Educator, invocation
for LA convention, and tech session on "Quality and Ethics" at
Washington, DC Convention).
Kevin Lally, CIPE (CIPE program educator).
John Callahan (PBS Channel 2 telethon leader).
And Bill Hughes (Our new membership VP for Society -
he'll be a great one!).
For those that I have not acknowledged, please blame the limited time and space
as well as my aging mind. I am very proud to have been part of and friends with
the members of the Boston Chapter.
Thank you for your patience and kind attention.